One of the fundamental principles of the RCG Health Insurance Trust is to offer Districts and employees a broad range of benefits choices to fit your needs. The Trust provides many alternate benefit levels because the Board of Trustees understands that different employees have different circumstances and different coverage needs.
With health care costs continuing to rise, we take our responsibility to provide high quality affordable care to our member Districts and our employees seriously. We introduced the preferred plan concept a number of years ago in order to take advantage of the principle of economy of scale. If each District set out on its own to provide health insurance coverage, it would be prohibitively expensive. By using our group purchasing power, the preferred plans help Districts and employees gain access to comprehensive and affordable plans.
The Board worked with its consultants to develop a limited number of plans that is reflective of three main principles:
- The preferred plans represent the best plan design practices being used by School Districts for their health benefits plans.
- The benefit levels represent a reasonable set of options based on School Districts’ budgetary and collective bargaining needs.
- The benefit levels allow the Trustees to continue to improve the Trust’s relationships with our carriers and pharmacy benefits manager through additional reductions in administrative fees and risk charges.