About the Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene Health Insurance Trust
- 6,840 contracts covered
- 20 Member Districts
- 3 Preferred Blue Shield Health Plan Options
- PPO 812
- PPO 815
- PPO 829
- 6 Preferred Prescription Plan Options
- Other plan options chosen by Districts
- Capital District Physicians’ Health Plan – www.cdphp.com
- MVP – mvphealthcare.com
To provide health insurance and prescription drug benefits at lower costs through a pooled purchasing agreement. The Trust has a group insurance contract with the insurance carrier. It is considered a public entity risk pool which is defined as a cooperative group of governmental entities joined together to finance exposure, liability or risk.
The R-C-G Health Insurance Trust was formed in 1985 under Section 501(c) 9 of the Internal Revenue Code. Currently 19 School Districts and Questar III BOCES participate in this Trust.
Seven Trustees are elected by the Trust membership, each serving three-year terms. Each member School District casts one vote. Five Union members from member School Districts serve the Board as advisory members.
About our Trustees and Advisors
Benefits of the R-C-G Health Insurance Trust
- Vendor Management
- Aggressive procurement (i.e. administrative fees, outpatient imaging costs)
- Audits
- Performance standards
- Focused renewal process
- Population Health Management
- Wellness and health management (i.e. health risk assessments)
- Metrics provide a deep understanding of our population and how it compares with national benchmarks
- Condition management
- Plan Design and Network Management
- Data-driven and value-driven plan design (i.e. number of emergency room visits)
- Effective cost share
- High performance network incentives and penalties